About Us
Aim and Objectives
- Unemployment is an area of major concern for any growing nation.
- The recession has creeped into the Industrial & Business Sector worldwide disturbing the buoyancy of Global Economy.
- Job opportunities are scaling down globally and its impact has been felt in India too. However demand still exists in the market for specialized jobs.
- But the specialised jobs require Vocational Skills.
- The demand for skilled force trained for specialized jobs in industrial sector is almost six times that of trained manpower available.
- We need to create an alternative educational framework in the society which can address this ‘Skill Gap’ for specialized jobs nationally.
- Delhi Institute of Fire Engineering runs full time, distance learning and online programmes of different durations to develop vocational skills in Rural Youth aging between 18 to 35 years in the field of Fire Technology & Industrial Safety Training to bridge the above ‘Skill Gap’.
- Keeping in mind the above requirement, we can develop vocational skills of the Indian youth for the specialized jobs related to Fire Technology & Industrial Safety with an aim to reduce the existing ‘Vocational Skill Gap’ nationally.